Montag, 2. Dezember 2013


Just around the corner at the U8 at Heinrich-Heine Straße Station you will find Berlin's famouse Tresor club. The Q wasn't really long at 2.30am, only about 10-15min waiting time and the security guy on the door wasn't askinging anybody questions so it was easy to get in even for tourists.

The club has it's name from back in the old days when it really was a tresor for a bank. It has been moved already to a different location but the concept is the same.
Inside you still find lots of lockers(pieces), bars & a long walk into the basement supported by flashing lights and the sound from the main floor which comes closer& closer as you reach the main dancefloor area. There you will have original brick-walls and lots hidden chill-out corners covered in red lights. One of the corridors have the same "cabine-like"boxeswhich are similar to the ones I've seen in Berghain, for people to chill, talk, have a snog or even sleep.
However, the Club has it's own "Fan-corner/shop" where you can buy Tshirts, CDs, and lots of "Tresor branded" merchandising stuff.

Tonight Dominik Eulberg was playing who is a famouse German dj & producer. If you are interested in his type of music go on and listen to hid tracks ;)

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