Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Weihnachtsmarkt am Alexanderplatz

One of the biggest Christmas-markets is right im the middle of Berlin on the Alexanderplatz. 

At this time of the year you will find different areas of the market, for example
a food corner or a fun-park area. 

All of these little stalls are nicely fit in these little christmas-market-housed which look all the same. You can hear music from every single corner most of the time funny german Apre ski songs.
 There are way too many people visiting the market during the weekend. 

Behind the massive "Kaufhof" shopping center you will find the fun park area for kods and those who will never ever grow up. Rollercosters, toy & game stalls, a giant weal and little flashing lights and they even have a Santa for the kids to sit on his lab and tell him your wishes. haha hilarious!!!

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