Montag, 18. November 2013

Berliner Eigenheiten

I got myself a book about the "Berlin style" which is a fun guide about the typical Berlin woman. what she likes and dislikes, her look and behaviours. I don't necessarily agree with all of what stands inside this book but I have to say it's fun to read and when I go outside on Berlin's streets I recognize a view things already which are mentioned in the book. Also there are lots of restaurant suggestions, tipps and trivks about shops, lifestyle and nightlife.

I also reslise that people from Berlin LOVE the colour black, either in their daily workinglife or at night when it comes to partying.

One of the sad facts is that there is no "Paga drink" in the supermarket. Only in a small cafe at Weinmeisterstr. Tube station @Kaffeemitte.

In shops for example I realised noby is coming up to you asking if they can help you with something. My impression is they are not very service orientated as you need to go up to them and ask if they can help you with something if you need anything in specific.

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