Sonntag, 17. November 2013

The Berlin wall

I bought a monthly travel card for 78€, were I can use all public transports in zone AB. Alexandra told me I prob don't need more only if I want to go really far outside.

However, I took the Overground to Ostbahnhof and walk to the East gallery, which is the name of the open air - berlin wall part with all the graffitis related to the history of the german Nazi time.

I might have to make another capter for a quick historical summery as the German history was a very intense time in general. It is very important as it is easier to understand the mentality of the German peoples compared to the rest of the world.


Hafter my sightseeing trip to a part of the Berlin wall next to the river on this beautiful, sunny autumn day I met up with another friend I met in Australia at the tattoo studio in Melbourne where I got my tattoo from. 

Her name is Alexandra as well and she is from Berlin.
Alex has her new boyfriend from Sydney here for a 2week visit, which is the reason ehy I couldn't stay at her place from the beginning on.

I'm really looking forward to all the adventures we will have together during the time I'm in Berlin as we had so much fun during my time in Melbourne ;) 
We just "clicked" from the very first moment onwards and had a brilliant time partying, going to clubs and just exploring the city ;)))
Love her to bits!<3

Alex and me in Melbourne Vodoo Tattoo Studio: 
Find whole story at:
(section: May> tattoo)

Apart from the nice autumn wheater I got to see amazing street hart work which content was all about the damatical experiences during the world war and the Nazi time.

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